Rapid Insight
Analyze Tax Engine Configurations
Analyze Tax Engine Configurations
Rapid Insight lets you instantly import and analyze your tax engine configurations so that you can easily understand how your tax solution was built and how it works. It quickly and easily documents your tax solution, and it delivers actionable insight and analytics about your implementation. You can even find differences between versions of your configurations and archive your data for better indirect tax governance and control. If you have a tax engine, you need Rapid Insight. It delivers powerful features you don’t get out of the box. For ONESOURCE, Vertex and Avalara.
Modios captures a complete view of your tax configuration, applies an extensive context layer and outputs it in record time.
Modios documents everything it touches in a consistent way to maximize accuracy and readability across teams.
The data Modios delivers is qualified and verified by both Robotic Application Intelligence and human expertise.
Modios provides tangible insights you can take immediate action on with full transparency and confidence in the results.
You can get your hands on an export of your tax engine configurations, and everything you need to know about your implementation is right inside the extract. Trouble is, you can’t make any sense of it. It’s designed for a machine to read it, NOT you. That’s where Rapid Insight comes in.
Rapid Insight lets you effortlessly see and document the configurations in ONESOURCE, Vertex, and other indirect tax engines in different, easy-to-understand ways you’ll find really helpful. It all starts with a standard configuration output file that your tax engine is already setup to export. Simply upload it into Rapid Insight, and select your output preference: a multi-tab Excel Workbook or a text file. You’ll see your configurations like never before. Clearly laid out, tabulated, indexed, organized. But above all – readable, usable, concise and clear!
Available anytime. Anywhere.
Works with most major tax engines and implementations.
The first RPA technology built for Global Indirect Tax Market
Adapts to fit a wide variety of business cases and environments.
Grows to meet the needs of your business.
Small learning curve. Fast ramp-up. Seamless integration.